Holding Space for You

Welcome. No matter how you arrived, I am so grateful that you are here.

Here on the blog, and in my practice, I am dedicated to creating - and holding - a space of love and light for you. When you are held in this loving space, you are truly able to be that loving space for yourself and for others.

That is what we all need. That is what you need, and it is my privilege to be able to give it to you through my practice.

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I work with clients who are navigating life’s transitions - divorce, career change, living with new or chronic illness. My clients come into the space that I have created for them when they are embarking on new projects, or when they are navigating the always changing world of the arts.

Whether you are an artist embarking on a new project, a recently divorced person, or someone who is just so tired of dealing with life’s pains and challenges alone, I am here for you.

Come and join me on a journey to joy and strength. Let me know where you are now, and together, we will get where you are going.