Podcast: Living a life of purpose with Susannah Ludwig

From The Circle with Ali and Caryn:

Join Caryn as she interviews her coach of three years, Susannah Ludwig about her journey from renowned documentary film producer to full time coach. Caryn and Susannah reflect on their coaching relationship and what it means to work with someone in this special way.

Other tidbits you’ll enjoy from this interview include:

  • How do you know what you are meant to do? Ask yourself what is bringing you joy, and then listen to our bodies. Our bodies tell us, we feel in our bodies when we are in our purpose, lighter, more open, more energy, things around us feel more sparkly. And then, stay open. What do you want to learn more about?

  • How to cope with life transitions - getting present with the now and staying open, not getting overwhelmed with knowing the whole story in advance. Take one right action at a time and the rest will reveal itself in time.

  • What does self care look like so we can be our best selves and show up how we want in the world.

  • Meditation - 5 minutes a day can change your life!

Susannah Ludwig
Podcast: From Barely Surviving To Totally Thriving

Creating more love and more life with Susannah Ludwig

From The Uplifters:

Susannah Ludwig was born in the 1970s without an esophagus, a condition that almost no children survived at the time. But, by what some would call a miracle, her family had recently moved to Washington DC for her father’s residency in the one Children's Hospital in the nation where there were surgeons who knew how to handle her condition.

There was no blueprint for her treatment, so every day that she survived was unprecedented. It would be understandable if surviving against these terrible odds made Susannah want to play small and stay safe. But, not Suz. She chose to believe it was all a sign that she had to live and love extra big.

Susannah Ludwig
a)plan Podcast: All You Need is a Plan

In this episode, we turn the mic around to Susannah Ludwig, a)plan coach and co-host of the "All You Need Is A Plan" podcast. Susannah led a successful career as an Academy Award-nominated film producer. After crisscrossing the country, she craved a more stable career. When she met a)plan coaching founder, Michael Counts, in *2018*, she had started to realize that she loved the “people part” of film producing, and she had been supporting colleagues in ways that resembled relationship coaching. Susannah became a certified a)plan coach specializing in relationship and career transitions, as well as health issues—based on her own intense medical experiences. Today, clients sing her praises. Susannah discusses her career trajectory, her coaching philosophy, and personal stories that will inspire listeners to consider their own choices, life and relationships in new, healthy ways.

Susannah Ludwig
The One Piece of Marriage Advice Everyone Should Know, According to 19 Therapists

Be Vulnerable

“The best advice I offer is deceptively simple: be vulnerable. Whenever you are sad, angry, scared or lonely — share your feelings. Be specific about what you feel, why you think you feel that way. By doing so, you open a door for genuine connection. It gives your spouse an opportunity to step up, to be there for you, to get through something together. That makes for a true partnership.” — Susannah Ludwig, Relationship Coach.

Susannah Ludwig
Close to the Vest with Arthur Ettinger: Podcast

Susannah Ludwig joins Arthur Ettinger on his podcast, Close to the Vest.

In the episode, You Should "Date" Yourself - With Relationship Coach - Susannah Ludwi‪g, Susannah talks about how important it is to understand and connect with yourself before transitioning to new romantic relationships, especially after divorce.

Check out Susannah’s episode, and all the episodes of the popular podcast, Close to the Vest.

Pivot on Purpose-Creating the life you long for with Susannah Ludwig

Susannah Ludwig is a life coach and expert on reinvention. She knows about transitions: In the last four years, she went from being an Academy Award-nominated film producer to a coach; from living in Brooklyn to thriving in a suburban town; suburban Long Island; from being a divorced mom of one child to be remarried in a blended family of four kids; from being fearful of dogs to a becoming a loving dog owner. Through it all, she celebrated the changes, tapped into her joy, and enlisted gratitude. As a coach, she loves helping her clients get from where they are to where they want to be – moving steadily towards the life they long for.

lily weitzman
Ask Me Anything - Facebook Series

Ask Me Anything…Navigating Relationships During a Pandemic

Susannah tackles Navigating Relationships During a Pandemic in a Live Q & A Session on Facebook. The third installment in the Ask Me Anything Series, Susananh creates space for everyone to share questions and concerns, and consider healthy, positive ways to navigate unexpected challenges.

Ask Me Anything…Surviving and Thriving in Social Isolation

With live questions and community participation, Susannah addresses the challenges and opportunities taht social isolation presents. With an eye on not only surviving, but thriving through difficult situations and unexpected changes, Susannah brings her life coaching expertise to help re-frame and improve how we look at the struggles of social isolation.


Ask Me Anything… Relationships!

In this Facebook Live Video, coach Susannah Ludwig talks about relationships during the Valentines Day season, and shares ideas for maintaining healthy relationships throughout the year.

Ask Me Anything… Coaching and How to Stop Feeling Stuck

In the launch of the Susannah Ludwig’s Facebook Live Series, Susannah answers questions about her life coaching practice and offers ideas about how and why we sometimes feel “stuck” and what to do about it.

Susannah Ludwig
Live Up - Big Possibilities in Tiny Choices

In this interview, Susannah discusses how small choices can make a significant impact in the healing process.

Susannah discusses the importance and the power of healing, and how we can all do small things to improve our lives, even in the most challenging of circumstances.

Susannah Ludwig
MILK Podcast

Mallory Kasdan interviews Susannah on topics including, uncertain health, anxiety, and positivity, and how those factors shape us as mothers and daughters. Podcast host Mallory Kasdan says, "Susannah is optimistic..., driven in life and in love, and shines as a mom and as a human."

Susannah Ludwig
Women Killing It Podcast

Susannah Ludwig appears on the premiere episode of Sally Hubbard's career talk podcast Women Killing It!

The podcast introduces listener to women who are "rockstars" in their careers and "harnesses their collective wisdom [to create a]  mentorship by podcast - women helping women unleash their superpowers at work!"

Susannah Ludwig
Only Human on NPR

NPR’s Mary Harris talks with Susananh Ludwig about her lifelong journey of health, the importance of sharing her story and how a positive attitude, openness, family and the act of telling your own story has inspired healing - and inspired her - on a daily basis.

Susannah Ludwig