Birthday Reflections and Choices
Sunday, on my 49th birthday, I had much to celebrate. I know that may sound odd in the time of a pandemic, economic crisis and racial injustice.
But it’s simple: I never thought I would get to be here, to live this long and enjoy life for five decades. You might not know that since birth, I’ve had a chronic, serious health condition, facing death several times. This taught me something that we all are earning in a pandemic. Life is fragile, all we have is now; we better stop waiting and start enjoying.
We have choices: How should I show up in life? What perspective do I bring every day? How do I spend this precious time?
Once we shift into gratitude, while knowing we have agency, life gets easier. So today, I celebrate the gift of getting a year older. And a day older. I celebrate my loving family, a career I love, and (at this moment) the stability of my health.
Highlights of the 49th birthday weekend: Outdoor lunch with my parents, who made a six-hour roundtrip to see my new home. A “distance” lunch in the sun with three friends from my divorce group. Walking into the house to see a surprise -- art hung on the wall. A quiet Sunday dinner with my newly blended family.
At every moment, I felt grateful we can be together, and choose to feel love. Especially in these uncertain times, I know all too well that tomorrow can change things quickly.
The great blessing is that I get to share that love with you. And so thank you, for reading, for sharing your time and yourselves. You have made these 49 years wonderful. Every day, I wake up grateful to still be alive, to seize opportunities, to shape this life. My birthday wish is that you are inspired to do the same.